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Chen Ann  Super high guide cable manufacturer   

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How to detect the break point of the cable? Take a look at some common methods!

How to detect the break point of the cable? Take a look at some common methods!

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In the actual engineering maintenance, the most fearful for the maintenance personnel is that they can't find the break point in the discontinuous line and cable. Although in the actual maintenance of weak current engineering, we will directly try to change the cable or re-lay when encountering cable problems, today we will discuss what technical methods can be used to detect the breakpoint of the cable!
When the fault occurs in the internal medium of the cable, the exact location cannot be seen under the condition that the external covering of the cable is insulated, including the strong and weak current. Usually, the idea of finding the breakpoint is to conduct subsection inspection.
For example, if there is a gap in the middle of a cable, it can be measured from the two ends and the middle three points respectively. If there is no gap on either side, the middle point can be taken for measurement. In this way, the location of the break point can be quickly found by narrowing the scope through investigation.
In the actual engineering maintenance, the most fearful for the maintenance personnel is that they can't find the break point in the discontinuous line and cable. Although in the actual maintenance of weak current engineering, we will directly try to change the cable or re-lay when encountering cable problems, today we will discuss what technical methods can be used to detect the breakpoint of the cable!
When the fault occurs in the internal medium of the cable, the exact location cannot be seen under the condition that the external covering of the cable is insulated, including the strong and weak current. Usually, the idea of finding the breakpoint is to conduct subsection inspection.
For example, if there is a gap in the middle of a cable, it can be measured from the two ends and the middle three points respectively. If there is no gap on either side, the middle point can be taken for measurement. In this way, the location of the break point can be quickly found by narrowing the scope through investigation.
把有断点的电线一端接万用表的黑表笔,另一端接红表笔。万用表打在电阻200Ω档。在最有可能断线的地方(比如经常弯曲点)来回折弯。如万用表显示忽通忽断时,此处即为断点。还不能判断,则需从电缆的一端开始折弯,直到找到断点。 此法适用于较短的电缆。